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Lirik Lagu Jack Johnson - The Upsetter lyrics

Jack Johnson lyrics - The Upsetter lirik :
Some will say
This place is wrong
These hands are fast
This face is long
Just stop upsetting yourself
Upsetting your thoughts
Upsetting this world
That you're standing on

These plans are torn
These feet are cold
This shield is worn
This peace was stolen
Stop upsetting yourself
Upsetting your thoughts
Upsetting this world
That you're standing on
These problems they breathe
Their fire is real
The coins that they keep
You cannot steal
Even when you're asleep
They'll be here still
Breathing out or in

Some will say this place is gone
These roads are steep
And much too long
These plans are cheap
My feet are cold
Cut the knot
These coins are golden
Some will say this place is gone
These roads are steep
And much too long
These plans are cheap
My feet are cold
Cut the knot
These coins are golden
Just stop upsetting yourself
Upsetting your thoughts
Upsetting this world
That you're standing on
These problems they breathe
Their fire is real
The coins that they keep
You cannot steal
Even when you're asleep
They'll be here still
Breathing out or in

Tags: jack johnson the upsetter, lirik lagu jack johnson the upsetter, music, jack johnson the upsetter lyrics, video, jack johnson lyrics the upsetter, lirik jack johnson the upsetter, lyric, album "To The Sea" 2010, top scorer piala dunia 2010.

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